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Carol Chafauzer: Reinventando-se na Moda e nos Esportes Radicais
'FASHION' COVER - JUNE 24 ISSUE Photos: @photzmuller - Stylists: @igorgarrcia / @bymelzani - Make and Hair: @bycarolfranca - Artist’s...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
24 de jun. de 20242 min de leitura

Dr. Marco Polo Rios: Referência em Cirurgia Plástica e Transformação de Vidas
'HEALTH' COVER EDITION - JUNE 24 ISSUE Photos: Mauricio Leandro / @leboarding Text @juliafagundes_ Production @juliafagundes_ and...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
21 de jun. de 20243 min de leitura

Ana Lefroy: A Jornada Inspiradora de uma Modelo Global
‘MODEL’ COVER EDITION - JUNE 24 ISSUE Photo and Make: @rabyfotografia Production: @encantare_cerimonial Design Director Hooks: @mathlopes...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
19 de jun. de 20245 min de leitura

Caroline Tozaki: A Miss que brilha na Capa da Hooks Magazine
‘BRASIL’ COVER EDITION - JUNE 24 ISSUE Photos: Vanessa Deleu (Credit passed by the model) Model: Caroline Tozaki - @caroltozaki Design...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
17 de jun. de 20244 min de leitura

Ana Mosconi: A Ascensão de uma Ícone da Moda e Lifestyle
'CELEBRITY' COVER EDITION - GLOBAL ISSUE Photos: @fabiobuero / Direction: @pinhorec / Stylist: @danielsampaiol / Look: @drama.sp / Make:...
Evely Oliveira
15 de jun. de 20244 min de leitura

Chanel Launches Limited Edition of Chanel Nº5 L’EAU: Fresher and More Contemporary
Photos Disclosure CHANEL Portraits captured by @nicolaskantor With this limited edition, N°5 breaks free for the first time from its...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
13 de jun. de 20242 min de leitura

Estrela em Ascensão: Nathália Berganton Brilha na Edição Especial 'USA' da Hooks Magazine
'USA' COVER EDITION - JUNE 24 ISSUE Photo: Danilo Friedl - @danilofriedlfotografia Design Director Hooks: @mathlopes Nesta edição...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
12 de jun. de 20245 min de leitura

Das Raízes Rurais à Fama Global: O Fenômeno de Menina Veneno
'STARS' COVER EDITION - INTERACTIVE VIDEO ISSUE Video Cover: @pedrogcf / Produção Exec.: @andersonmmacedo_ / Fotógrafo Projeto:...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
8 de jun. de 20245 min de leitura

Ester Ana: Explorando o Mundo com Estilo e Paixão
"DUBAI" COVER EDITION - JUNE 24 ISSUE Photos: Alyona Degtyar - @degtyar_alyona Design Director Hooks: @mathlopes Nesta edição especial da...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
7 de jun. de 20243 min de leitura

De volta a tela da Band com programa voltado pra estética , Duda Rodrigues lança sua própria linha de cosmético com ouro 24 k
Photos: Luiz Mendes Duda Rodrigues, renomada apresentadora, empresária, biomédica esteta e especialista em marketing e consultoria na...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
5 de jun. de 20242 min de leitura

Schutz ignites Valentine's Day with its 'Lights me On – The Perfect Match' Collection
Featuring the matchstick as a prominent accessory in the collection, the launch aims to emphasize that the shoes are not just...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
31 de mai. de 20241 min de leitura

Fashion Waterproof: Balenciaga Unveils Cruise 2025 Collection in Shanghai
Photos Disclosure Balenciaga On Thursday, May 30th, Balenciaga braved the elements to launch its Resort 2025 collection against the...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
31 de mai. de 20241 min de leitura

Dra. Luciana Dias, uma mulher com propósito e exemplo de empreendedorismo feminino
A CEO da Transduson, um centro de excelência em diagnósticos, relembra o sonho de menina e a trajetória de desafios e conquistas como...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
31 de mai. de 20243 min de leitura

"DEconstruction": Exclusive Editorial with Brazilian Icon Cariúcha in Partnership with Hooks Magazine International
“DEconstruction” Photographic Project in Partnership with Hooks Magazine International! This time featuring the Brazilian personality...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
28 de mai. de 20241 min de leitura

Lady Gaga Unveils Futuristic Fashion and Teases New Sound at Chromatica Ball Premiere
Outfit by @selva Fashion Direction by @nicolaformichetti Photos @domenvandevelde styling @hunterclem_ Hair @fredericaspiras Make up...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
24 de mai. de 20242 min de leitura

Ilana Motta: A Influenciadora que Redefine o Lifestyle na Hooks Magazine
‘LIFESTYLE’ COVER EDITION - MAY 24 ISSUE Photographer: VITOR BRÜGGER - @vitorbrugger Videomaker: @bernardoneubarth Style:...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
24 de mai. de 20244 min de leitura

And Just Like That... Fashion Takes Center Stage Again
The beloved series #andjustlikethat is making a stylish comeback! While the official release date for the new season remains under wraps,...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
24 de mai. de 20241 min de leitura

Gui Taschetti, CEO da Prado Comunicação, revela os desafios de abrir próprio negócio
Photos: @lucascarvalhoph - Disclosure Press Gui Taschetti, CEO da Prado Comunicação, agência de publicidade e comunicação, compartilha...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
20 de mai. de 20241 min de leitura

Ananda Gabriella: A Musa Internacional da Hooks Magazine
'MODEL' COVER EDITION - MAY 24 ISSUE Photos: Yan Salvatierra - @fotosyansalvatierra Makeup: Worney Makeup - @worneymakeup Ananda...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
20 de mai. de 20244 min de leitura

Marina Ruy Barbosa Shines on the Cannes Red Carpet
Photos disclosure Instagram @marinaruybarbosa Highlighting the elegance of celebrities on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival!...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
20 de mai. de 20241 min de leitura
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