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Jaquelline: From 'The Farm' to Fashion Icon in Hooks Magazine International
CELEBRITY OF THE YEAR 23 EDITION - GLOBAL ISSUE Photos: @andersonmmacedo_ | @demmacedo Make: @fernando.grohalski / Hair:...

Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Jan 8, 20242 min read

Débora Saraiva: From the Interior of Bahia to Fashion Stardom - A Journey of Determination and Style
‘BRAZIL’ COVER EDITION - DECEMBER ISSUE Photos: Douglas Moreira - @douglasmoreirastudio Hair: Dougllas Dias - @dougllas Look: CHART -...

Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Dec 11, 20233 min read

Explore the World with content creator Jessica Barros: Cover of the 'LONDON' Edition
‘LONDON’ COVER EDITION - DECEMBER ISSUE Photographer: Carlos Moura Design Director Cover: Matheus Lopes Editor in Chief: Matheus Hooks...

Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Dec 1, 20233 min read

Giselle Leite: A Journey of Versatility and Entrepreneurship in Hooks Magazine
BUSINESS COVER EDITION - NOVEMBER ISSUE Direction: Mariana Poerschke - @maripoerschke Photographer: Sue Cervelin -...

Hooks International
Nov 28, 20234 min read

Julia Paula - The Brazilian Sensation in the "BRAZIL" Edition
"BRAZIL" COVER EDITION - NOVEMBER ISSUE Photos: @manoelmaxfoto Makeup: @mendesmakeupp Design Director: @mathlopes In the captivating...

Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Nov 24, 20234 min read

Alessandra Batista: Own Shine in the "STARS" Edition of Hooks Magazine
"STARS" COVER EDITION - NOVEMBER ISSUE Photos: @joaocassioph Makeup: @claudiarosinelli Hair: @janacardosobeauty Design Director:...

Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Nov 20, 20233 min read

Thâmara Brandão - The Passion That Stitches the Dream of Fashion
"INFLUENCER" COVER EDITION - NOVEMBER ISSUE Model: Thâmara Brandão - @thamara.brandao Photos: Emanuele Jeane -...

Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Nov 13, 20233 min read

Jheniffer Costa: A Dazzling Debut in the Fashion World
'BRAZIL' COVER EDITION - NOVEMBER ISSUE Photographer: @Savio.foto / Makeup: @felipehiratamakeup Featured in the November edition of Hooks...

Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Nov 10, 20232 min read

Larissa Rodrigues: A Journey of Overcoming in the International Fashion
‘MODEL’ COVER EDITION - NOVEMBER ISSUE Model: Larissa Rodrigues - @larissacr11 Photographer: Atakan - @atakanakbaba Style: @bahartmcnn...

Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Nov 3, 20234 min read

Débora Vitti: Conquering the World with Elegance - The Story in London
'LONDON' EDITION COVER - NOVEMBER ISSUE Model: Débora Vitti - @deboraavitti Photos: Manoel Max - @manoelmaxfoto Make: Gabriel Mendes -...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Nov 1, 20234 min read

Larissa Mascarenhas: An Inspiring Journey of Overcoming
‘BEAUTY’ EDITION COVER - OCTOBER ISSUE Photos: Irene Metelska - Makeup and hair: Lala Masc - @lalamasc Jewelry: @swarovski...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Oct 27, 20237 min read

Vivi Di Domenico: From Small Town to International Covers
'MODEL' COVER EDITION - OCTOBER ISSUE Photos: Diego Cadavid - @cadavidmora Design Director Hooks: Matheus Lopes - @mathlopes...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Oct 23, 20232 min read

Dainara Pariz: The Influencer Who Shines in Fashion and Solidarity
'STARS' COVER EDITION - GLOBAL ISSUE Photos: Lucas Kiaw - (@photoskiaw) Production: Kley Carvalho - (@kleeycarvalho) Make: Gleyci Sassi -...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Oct 21, 20236 min read

Kauan Berdinazzi: Redefining Men's Fashion with Style and Authenticity
“PARIS” COVER EDITION - OCTOBER ISSUE Photos: Glauber Bassi - @glauberbassi Make: Leticia Rocha - @leticia_rocha202 Marketing and Design...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Oct 9, 20232 min read

Susan: The Fashion Explorer - Special "Trips" Edition October
"TRIPS" COVER EDITION - OCTOBER ISSUE Photographer: Sávio Tavares - @savio.foto Makeup artist: Felipe Hirata - @felipehiratamamakeup Look...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Oct 4, 20233 min read

Nadja Fernandes: The Face of Beauty and Well-Being
"BEAUTY" COVER EDITION - SEPTEMBER ISSUE Photos: Karollayne Mendes - @kbmendes Fashion Film: Thamirys Mendes - @tbmendes Make e Hair:...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Sep 29, 20233 min read

Thainara Alves: The International Model who Enchants with her Latin Beauty
"MODEL" COVER EDITION - SEPTEMBER ISSUE Photos: Pupin + Deleu - @pupindeleu Model: Thainara Alves - @tay_alvess5 Marketing and Design...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Sep 27, 20233 min read

Confidence and Beauty: The Inspiring Journey of Luciana Soares and the Peach Up Revolution
"BUSINESS" COVER EDITION - SEPTEMBER ISSUE Photographer: Mari Graudin - @marigraudin Press: Gio Prates - @gio.prates Design Director...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Sep 25, 20233 min read

Mariana Voinova: A Model of Adventure and Creativity
"UKRAINE" COVER EDITION - SEPTEMBER ISSUE Photographer: VITALY AGAPOV & ROSTYSLAV ARNO - @agapovandarno Model: Mariana Voinova -...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Sep 20, 20239 min read

Juliana Motta, Jéssica Cardoso, Camila Pudim and Renata Santti - Celebrity Cover and Interview
“CELEBRITY” EDITION - GLOBAL ISSUE Photos: Max Carvalho - @maaxcarvalho Hair Jéssica Cardoso and Renata Santti: Bruno DViana -...
Matheus Hooks/ Editor-In-Chief
Sep 19, 20236 min read
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