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"Beauty lies in differences." - Dr. Patricia Regina for Hooks Magazine


Photos: Hay Torres - @haytorres

Facial Harmonization has become one of the most sought-after procedures by both celebrities and ordinary individuals. This is because the procedure offers benefits that go beyond aesthetics, meaning it also adds value to both the body and mind's health. For the dentist and Orofacial Harmonization specialist, Dr. Patrícia Regina, beauty lies in differences.

"People are different, and beauty resides in those differences! A beauty standard where everyone looks the same is not what I want for myself or my patients."

Life and Career

"Becoming a dentist was always a childhood dream, and with a lot of perseverance, I managed to make it a reality. My journey within dentistry has been quite versatile. I started my path in periodontics, where I could see that my patient's outcomes depended not only on my work and their own care but also on their metabolism."

The Encounter with Orofacial Harmonization

"I began to notice some colleagues venturing into orofacial harmonization, and I decided to take my first course in 2011. However, I gave up early on, thinking it wasn't for me. I returned to the field of orofacial harmonization in 2013, and I haven't looked back since. Today, I exclusively work in OFH and integrative physiology, directing my outcomes towards where I want them to be."

Creation of the Unique Codes Technique

"The Unique Codes Methodology using PDO threads and hyaluronic acid has the ability to enhance the natural beauty of each of us, using a smaller quantity of products, resulting in significant product cost savings and allowing us to reach more patients."

Dr. Patricia Regina and Family

Professional Fulfillment

"Today, I feel completely fulfilled because I have the certainty that the work I deliver is unique, unparalleled! Preserving the characteristics of each individual is my goal. I always aim to provide healthy aging. The key is to feel good for your age and not look like you have an age that you don't."

Dr. Patrícia Regina

Post-graduate in Periodontics, Radiology, Implantology, Professor, and Specialist in Facial Harmonization, Speaker for Rennova, Member of the Scientific Committee of ABRAHOF (Brazilian Association of Orofacial Harmonization), and International Speaker.

CRO/DF 6241 (Registration number at the Regional Council of Dentistry, BRAZIL)


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