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Glaucia Borges: the Brazilian who is revolutionizing the concept of interior design and decoration

Writer: Evely OliveiraEvely Oliveira


Photographer: @glauberbassi

Architect: @glauciaborgesdesign

Makeup: @carlaoppes_makeup_hair

Assistant: @milenavitoriaff

Design: @directorhooks

Glaucia Borges, the baiana who left Brazil to venture to Italy full of dreams! Very young, little did she know what the future had in store for her, without pretension she decided to "play" herself because she knew her potential was inexhaustible, and after a lot of effort and study, since she graduated in Milan, it was then that in 2018 she was born the Studio Borges!

Glaucia works in a unique and extremely professional way, with solid values, the Brazilian bets not only on the concept of a "beautiful house" but on a lifestyle, from the lighting, design, architecture, works, to the organization, to Coca Cola in the fridge (she jokes), because her company covers several niches, and her focus is to deliver the complete project and with the highest quality necessary for the customer to have a unique and innovative experience!

This is your difference!

And his projects go far beyond Europe itself, as there have already been big projects done in Miami, like the special project done for Blaise Matuidi, the famous football player, larger projects for other celebrities done in France, England, Brazil , among others...

And your portfolio keeps growing, all due to your discipline, resilience, competence and your gift! The Brazilian has always been very grateful to God for having conquered all that she has conquered so far, and still aims to clear a long path of victories, also generating employment and never forgetting to pass on all the blessings that have been granted to her, and that she still has much to show us!

We had the opportunity to get to know this exceptional woman better, who has a lot to teach us! Come with us!

1-What led you to work with interior design? Do you hear any inspiration or someone in particular that motivated you to follow the branch?

"I've always liked decorations. 15 years ago I started producing and planning big events (in which I started working with a visual identity project for the event) until in 2017/18 a client asked me to decorate her daughter's room that it was about to be born (because according to her I decorated very well) and she gave me this challenge in hand and I accepted! . I have immense gratitude for this beginning."

2- Working with projects of this magnitude means turning a dream into reality! How rewarding is “selling a dream” for you?

"I've always had this responsibility in my hands since when I started producing events. And in my companies the motto is: Do it as if it were the last opportunity, that is, always give the best. Everything I do, I do it as if it were for me . I like to appreciate beauty and beauty is in the details. And the fact that I can crystallize are enchants me. I love transforming everything with excellence."

3- And why Milan? What led you to leave Brazil to undertake? Was it your plan from the start?

I was born in Bahia, at the time Salvador was a province for me. I had big goals and at that moment my city couldn't give me what my eyes wanted. I knew a friend who lived in Milan a few years ago, one day she said: If you want to come spend a few months in Milan to meet, come later you'll see (without plans and without organization) really crazy. But I was willing to face the cold and the longing to live my dreams.

4- What niches does your company cover?

"When Studio Borges was born I always envisioned the need for my

"future" customer. I sat down and started to see all the difficulties that people here face from designing a house to moving house. And today we have: design and architecture; restructuring, personal Organizer, personal shopper, consulting (for those who cannot afford a project) and logistics for moving."

5- There is always a project that wins our heart, not only because we identify ourselves, but because it is challenging! Which project so far in your career have you felt most challenged?

"Look, if I said 1 in particular I would be sabotaging myself. But it was certainly the first, not because of the size of the project but because of the essence. It was all very organic and involved a very important dream for that client, which was the arrival of her first bebe. It was a very big responsibility (that marked me a lot.) and in relation to challenging, I've already done many that challenged me, mainly because the shopkeeper is in other countries. It wasn't a technical project, but the actual execution of all of them, each country has its legislation, its rules. This is extremely challenging and of great responsibility. And I LOVE it!"

6- You sure are a winner! And it inspires many people along the way so far! And for the future, what awaits you?

"I'm aware that in a few years I've done a lot. But I consider everything first and foremost a gift that God gave me. I don't create anxiety for the future, but the expectations (which are high) are already happening, and I like to talk when it happens. "

7- And last but not least, what is your voice? What would you like to shout to the world if given the opportunity?

"From a human point of view, today with social media people are getting sick of seeing the " perfect life " online. It's not true we all have challenges every day, and what I say is: LET'S FOCUS MORE ON OUR PLANNING AND LESS in the success of NEXT! We all have a special little place in this world.
Everything will depend on our discipline and courage."

"The values of my brand are these: Excellence, solution, reference, experience and relationship.


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