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Rafaela Menicucci: The Fashion Star Who Transforms Challenges into Style


Rafaela Menicucci for Hooks Magazine

Cred - Photos: @victorgalvaofotografia - @carlosollivveira - @top_piobellas

Make up & Hair: @mr.mommo

Hair Designer: @sydneysallesdesign

The 'ITALY' edition of Hooks Magazine is proud to feature model Rafaela Menicucci on this month's cover. With an inspiring journey, Rafaela embodies a true passion for fashion and beauty, a path that began in her childhood. Influenced by her mother's fashion magazines, she developed a deep love for the fashion world, which motivated her to pursue a career in the industry.

For Rafaela, fashion and beauty are not just about appearance but also about self-esteem and confidence. She believes that feeling comfortable and confident in one’s appearance can transform a person’s confidence, directly reflecting in their posture and attitude.

Inspired by icons like Lady Gaga and Donatella Versace, Rafaela embraces a bold and unique style, always striving to break away from the conventional and incorporate creative and authentic elements into her work. These influences help shape her personal style and approach to fashion, making her stand out in a competitive landscape.

Rafaela's journey in the fashion world has not been without challenges, but she faces each obstacle with determination and resilience. Her positive outlook and ability to turn difficulties into opportunities are a testament to her passion and dedication.

Rafaela also deeply values personal expression through style. To her, style is an extension of identity and a means to stand out in a unique way. She encourages young aspirants to follow their dreams in fashion and beauty, emphasizing the importance of starting and persevering, regardless of the challenges.

The 'ITALY' edition of Hooks Magazine celebrates Rafaela Menicucci as an ambassador of fashion and beauty, reflecting her authenticity and contribution to the fashion world.

Rafaela Menicucci for Hooks Magazine

Check out the exclusive interview:

1.⁠ ⁠Rafaela, what sparked your passion for fashion and beauty? Was there a specific moment in your life when you realized you wanted to pursue this career?

My passion for fashion started with my mother. Ever since I was a child, I’ve been fascinated by this world. I remember she subscribed to fashion magazines, and I would eagerly wait for each new issue to arrive. I was about 9 years old and already loved flipping through the fashion editorials. It was a significant moment that made me realize how much I wanted to be part of this universe.

Rafaela Menicucci for Hooks Magazine

2.⁠ ⁠How do you believe fashion and beauty influence people's self-esteem and confidence?

I believe fashion and beauty go hand in hand. In my case, for example, I feel more confident when I'm dressed in a way that truly pleases me and makes me feel good. When we are comfortable and feel good about our appearance, confidence naturally shines through.

3.⁠ ⁠Do you have any icons or references in the fashion world that inspire you? How do they influence your style and career?

Yes, Lady Gaga and Donatella Versace are major inspirations for me. They influence my style with their boldness and eccentricity. I like to stand out and break away from the ordinary, which is why I prefer to avoid the basics and go for something more unique and different.

Rafaela Menicucci for Hooks Magazine

4.⁠ ⁠What are the most common challenges you face in your journey as a model, and how do you overcome them?

I face challenges every day, and they never stop coming. But I always stay strong and determined because I love challenges and the feeling of overcoming them. Each obstacle makes me more resilient and determined.

5.⁠ ⁠In your opinion, how important is it to express your personality through personal style?

I think it's essential. My style reflects a lot of who I am—different, fun, and creative. I like to express myself in a unique way and avoid the obvious, doing things that make me stand out and feel authentic.

Rafaela Menicucci for Hooks Magazine

6.⁠ ⁠What advice would you give to young people who want to pursue a career in fashion and beauty but are still unsure about how to start?

The most important thing is to start, no matter the path—whether it's in fashion or beauty. If you have a dream, fight for it. Nothing in life is easy, but when you truly want something and dedicate yourself to it, you can achieve it. Never give up on your dreams. ❤️

Rafaela Menicucci for Hooks Magazine

Rafaela Menicucci for Hooks Magazine

Rafaela Menicucci for Hooks Magazine

Rafaela Menicucci for Hooks Magazine


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