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Dead Handz NFT

Tell us more about NFT? How would you describe this world to someone who’s just approaching to it?

The concept behind Dead Handz is to bring a story and a new fictional universe to an exclusive community, in a novel and interactive fashion using NFTs. Each season will bring a new collection of Dead Handz, straight from the portal and into the Ethereum network.​​

The foundation of the universe is built around 5 mysterious characters, known as ‘The Activators’ – who generated an uncontrollable Portal by combining the ancient scroll with the primordial artefacts, after much searching. Every season, the Portal opens up to a new world, introducing the Activators to a new set of monsters and challenges as they fight to close it before havoc is unleashed on Earth.

Each of the activators has a long back story and their own personality. They also bring their own utility to the tokens:

  • Professor Khonsu – Adds lunar sensitivity to the NFTs. Khonsu is the Egyptian sun god and the moon receives its glow from the sun, of course. Watch your Tartarus NFTs when the moon is at its fullest…

  • Rene Innkfast – Lets you experiment on your Handz in his Laboratory. Rene is a self proclaimed Chemical Engineer, but his experimental methods are somewhat unconventional…

  • BC 48 – is the curator of the Library, where Dead Handz owners can learn about the Dead Handz universe. Here you will find history, secrets and prophecies that many believed were lost long ago…

The characters, their utility and their backstories are released over time so the community is consistently engaged in the story, receiving new utilities and narrative-based riddles. As the website shows, only 3 of the Activators have been revealed so far. What will the final 2 Activators bring…?

The community is able to follow this story as The Portal takes users to a new world with each season. Holders can interact with each world in an exclusive way with the NFTs from each collection.

The first collection – Dead Handz Genesis – sold out in November. The Genesis mint was considered a seeding launch which gave us the financial backing to put ourselves onto larger platforms, increase our exposure and invest in the project. It also served as a preliminary run to get a successful mint under our belts.

The capital raised from this mint has been used to build out the NFT utilities (described above), so the Genesis collection does not have these utilities built-in. However, a Genesis Dead Hand entitles you to an NFT from every subsequent season of Dead Handz, for FREE!

How and where can I purchase one of the arts?

The NFTs will be dropped on the Dead Handz website and then tradeable across most NFT marketplaces e.g. OpenSea &

When are you releasing the collection?

29th January

Why is the community important?

The ambition of Dead Handz is to be the first fantasy world with Decentralised Ownership. The most successful and adored fictional stories are always owned by a small group of individuals or private entities, but it is the communities that will help grow and support them.

The team at Dead Handz believes that the supporters of a fantasy world deserve to own a piece of their favourite stories and should be able to benefit financially from its growth. They believe that with Dead Handz, anyone can own a piece of it, no matter who you are or what your background is.

What can you share with us about this collection? And what can we expect from this launch?

Whenever a new Dead Handz season starts, the goal to create a unique fantasy world that captures the imagination of our audience is set out. Therefore the team begins with the theme, the characters and art direction. For every season, everyone at Dead Handz sits down for a brainstorm in order to define its place in time and space, building off of existing mythology and folklore. Tartarus for example, is named after and inspired by the Ancient Greek prison in the deep abyss, where the great Titans were once banished.

The creative team then spends weeks researching stories, art and literature around the season’s theme and produces a plan for the visual representation of the season’s location.

Why should someone choose to invest in your collection?

Most NFTs offer nothing more than a JPEG and a frat style community based on hierarchy, ‘hype’ and money. Dead Handz is a low supply project with a story for each new collection that has no limits to how much interaction we build in. Different character hands and traits will offer different secrets, riddles and gifts in the library and various crazy experiments in the Laboratory. There are even some parts of the story and website that can only be unlocked if you own a God Hand or all the character types!

When there is much to do and enjoy, people will be very unlikely to want to sell their NFTs, making it a super rare collection

How did you meet and how did you decide to build this project together?

The team is comprised of 7 young professionals, who have a passion for NFTs, art and creative fiction. Based in the UK and Italy, the team has a background in crypto, finance, creative arts and media. Tom is the project founder – a keen pioneer from a cryptocurrency exchange and one of the largest crypto asset managers in the world. Alessio is a manager, entrepreneur and project manager, who launched various successful projects on the market and with a brilliant background in social media marketing and the PR and strategic aspect of a project.

Half the team were already working full-time in crypto-native jobs, and the other half had also keenly followed NFTs on the side. They came together with a common goal of creating a new project with a different art style and story-telling concept.

What’s in store for the future?

We build out the project with multiple seasons and expand our community. Each season will have unique and untold utility that only Dead Handz users can access!


@ale_ssiofilippelli @deadhandznft @tomslatter.


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